The operation of worm farming or vermi composting is the act of retrieving compost vermicast or worm products from organic matter being broken down by earthworms. Through worm farming, we can obtain the best fertilizer that can condition the soil in producing crops. The few requirements for worm farming are yard and kitchen wastes so vermicomposting makes good use of waste and generates black, earth smelling humus.
Earthworms are the main workforce for creating humus where they, along with bacteria are the main trigger of the process. Other species like insects, other worms and molds also have a critical role in the process of decomposition and the earthworms most commonly used in this process are the Red wigglers. This sort of worm can be found in different parts of Europe and South America, where they are commonly found in rotting vegetables, compost and of course piles of manure or animal wastes.
The kind of compost created by the vermi composting function has no smell, is very clean, and is also organic however it also contains loads of micro nutrients N, P, and K which are critical in plant growth. Aside from proving nutrients it also environmental friendly, since it helps in recycling energy and besides the fact that it's ecologically friendly, it contains no toxins and uses almost no energy for the process.
Since the wide introduction to use chemicals for pesticide people have been expressing their concern about the effects of that remains on the crops and produce. In a 2001 study, showed us that children who consumed organically grown produce have lower organophosphorus pesticide exposure than those children who ate regular food.
While the majority of studies conducted are limited to the levels of organophosphorus and not on its effects, people think those who have lower levels do not have as high a risk of neurological damage.
Food grown organically, therefore, can be said to have higher nutritional value than other food grown using modern conventional methods - it is just simple, healthy plants mean healthy people, and that is the end vermi composting trusts to achieve.
You are able to use humus from the worms as another layer of rich soilin potted plants but another way is by directly adding the humus into the soil directly as you re-pot. Another good thing about this variety of fertilizer is there's no reason to worry about going too heavy on the fertilizer or damaging the plant due to excessive exposure to chemicals.
Not only is worm farming something that you can do in your the backyard but it can also easily turn into a business and by using good business strategies you can quickly build a business selling worm castings. You can also investigate local nurseries that are in need of organic fertilizer and then you just need a bit of patience so you can teach people about the importance of organic farming and supplementary techniques of looking after the soil we have to use for farming.